Openkore BOT Priest Auto Warp Config

Working Tips for BOT Priest Auto Warp Config

I will teach you how to do a BOT Priest Auto Warp Config using a macro plugin

First go to your BOT folder
Go to Control then find macros.txt

Open macros.txt and paste this code.

Just Edit the color red text and delete the color blue text

automacro a {
delay 2
console /You are sitting./i
call {
do ignore 1 all
if (@invamount (Blue Gemstone) == 0) goto qk
pause 1
do chat create "Ice Dun 1.9k|Veins 2k |Rachel 3K" 2 0 siyete ~This will edit the Chatroom Title~>
# A, B, C, D = Chatroom title
pause 1
do sit

lock a
lock b
lock c
lock d
lock e
lock f
do chat create "Ice Dun 1.9k|Veins 2k |Rachel 3K" 2 0 siyete ~This will edit the Chatroom Title~>
do sit


automacro b {
console /(.*?) \(level (\d*)\) Requests a Deal/
call {
do deal
$name = $.lastMatch1
$bufs = $.lastMatch1
do chat modify "$name Exact Amount Please~!!" 2 0 siyete ~This will edit the PM to the costumers~>
pause 1
do pm "$name" "Ice Dun 1.9k|Veins 2k |Rachel 3K" ~This will edit the PM to the costumers~>
pause 3
# Cancel the deal in x seconds if the buyer no action
do deal
pause 2
do deal
pause 3
do deal no


automacro c {
console /^(.*) added Item to Deal: (.*) x (.*)$/i
call {
if ($.lastMatch2 != "Blue Gemstone") goto end
#Cancel the deal in x seconds if the buyer no action after put on Blue Gemstone
pause 10
do deal no
# Cancel the deal if the buyer put on the items
do deal no

automacro d {
console /(.*) added (.*) z to Deal/
call {
$a = $.lastMatch2
if ($a == 1,900) goto bb ~This will edit the Warp Price for the first warp~>
if ($a == 2,000) goto bb ~This will edit the Warp Price for the second warp~>
if ($a == 3,000) goto bb ~This will edit the Warp Price for the third warp~>
# $a = ".*" = The price you want to sell
pause 2
# Cancel the deal if the gained zeny != the price you sell
do deal no
pause 1
do deal
pause 1
do deal
#Cancel the deal in x seconds if the buyer no action after put on the zeny
pause 10
do deal no

automacro e {
console /^You gained (.+?) zeny.$/
call {
lock b
lock d
do chat leave
$a = $.lastMatch1
if ($a == 1,900) goto a1 ~This will edit the Warp Price for the first warp~>
if ($a == 2,000) goto b2 ~This will edit the Warp Price for the second warp~>
if ($a == 3,000) goto c3 ~This will edit the Warp Price for the third warp~>
#$a = ".*" = The price you want to sell
call warp1
call warp2
call warp3
release all

macro warp1 {
do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE "ICE-1500 \n"; close FILE;
# The record will record airplane's operation condition,this is the warp point one -> A
# And so no B, C, D...

$aa1 = @Invamount (Blue Gemstone)
# Check the number of the bluestone "before" warp
$x = @arg("$.pos", 1)
$y = @arg("$.pos", 2)
$x0 = @eval($x + @rand(1,3))
$x1 = @eval($x - @rand(1,3))
$y0 = @eval($y - @rand(1,3))
do sl 27 @random("$x0", "$x1") $y0
pause 2
do warp rachel ~This will edit the Map Name ex. prt_fild07~>
pause 1
# map a = rachel
# pause 1
# do c Ice Dungeon's Map Opened.
$aa2 = @Invamount (Blue Gemstone)
# Check the number of the bluestone "after" warp
if ($aa1 == $aa2) goto ax
# If the number of bluestone before warp match that of after warp then regarding as failed, goto :ax

do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE "ICE-1500 (Failed) \n"; close FILE;
# If failed to open the warp,it will print "A-2000 (Failed)" ,that you will know maybe you should change the position
# And so no B, C, D...
pause 2
do c Failed to open
do c Just try again
call axx
# Run macro axx

macro axx {
call warp1
# Run macro warp1

# And so on..

macro warp2 {
do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE "GEO-2000 \n"; close FILE;
$bb1 = @Invamount (Blue Gemstone)
$x = @arg("$.pos", 1)
$y = @arg("$.pos", 2)
$x0 = @eval($x + @rand(1,3))
$x1 = @eval($x - @rand(1,3))
$y0 = @eval($y - @rand(1,3))
do sl 27 @random("$x0", "$x1") $y0
pause 2
do warp veins ~This will edit the Map Name ex. prt_fild07~>
pause 2
# map c = veins
# pause 1
# do c Geographer's Map Opened.
pause 2
$bb2 = @Invamount (Blue Gemstone)
if ($bb1 == $bb2) goto bx

do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE "GEO-2000 (Failed) \n"; close FILE;
pause 2
do c Failed to open
do c Just try again
call bxx

macro bxx {
call warp2

macro warp3 {
do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE "MOSCO-2500 \n"; close FILE;
$cc1 = @Invamount (Blue Gemstone)
$x = @arg("$.pos", 1)
$y = @arg("$.pos", 2)
$x0 = @eval($x + @rand(1,3))
$x1 = @eval($x - @rand(1,3))
$y0 = @eval($y - @rand(1,3))
do sl 27 @random("$x0", "$x1") $y0
pause 2
do warp ra_fild01 ~This will edit the Map Name ex. prt_fild07~>
pause 2
# map b = ra_fild01
# pause 1
# do c Moscovia's Map Opened.
pause 2
$cc2 = @Invamount (Blue Gemstone)
if ($cc1 == $cc2) goto cx

do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE MOSCO-2500 (Failed) \n"; close FILE;
pause 2
do c Failed to open
do c Just try again
call cxx

macro cxx {
call warp3

automacro f {
console /You opened Warp Portal on \((.*), (.*)\)/
call {
do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE "-------------- \n"; close FILE;
do c @random("Thank You !!","Maraming Salamat !!","Salamat !!","Ingat po !!","Good Luck !!")

if (@invamount (Blue Gemstone) == 0) goto qk
pause 3
do chat create "Ice Dun 1.9k|Veins 2k |Rachel 3K" 2 0 siyete ~This will edit the Chatroom Title~>
release b
release d
pause 3
do sit
lock a
lock b
lock c
lock d
lock e
lock f
do chat create "Ice Dun 1.9k|Veins 2k |Rachel 3K" 2 0 siyete ~This will edit the Chatroom Title~>
do sit

automacro debugA {
console /(.*) \((\d+)\): You gained (.*) zeny./i
priority 1
call {
$i = $.lastMatch2
if ("$i" != "") goto ok
release all

automacro debugB {
console /(From: (.*)) : You gained (.*) zeny./i
priority 1
call {
$i = $.lastMatch2
if ("$i" != "") goto ok
release all

automacro dealcancelled {
console /^Deal Cancelled$/i
delay 1
call {
do chat modify "Ice Dun 1.9k|Veins 2k |Rachel 3K" 2 0 siyete ~This will edit the Chatroom Title~>

do sit
release all

Edit the color red text and delete the color blue text

Happy BOTTING ~iAnhArt


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