Thief Job Quest Change Guide
Thief Job Quest
Thief Job Quest - Getting Started
You must be a novice at job level 10 in order to start the quest.
Thief Guide moc_prydb1 (39, 129) | In the basement (B1) of Morroc Pyramid Dungeon. |
Ingredient(s) | Product(s) |
Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
In Morroc Town, exit at the top left corner of the map to get to Morroc Ruins. From there, go to top left again to get into the Pyramid Dungeon, walk to the center of the map, go downstair and go into the room at the left to sign up to the Morroc Thief Test. Requirements: You must be a novice at job level 10 in order to start the quest. |
Thief Job Quest - Shibu's Mushroom Farm Test
Irrelevant Man moc_ruins (141, 125) |
Ingredient(s) | Product(s) |
Not Applicable | Orange Net Mushroom x vary Orange Gooey Mushroom x vary |
You have to talk to Irrelevant Man to get warped to Shibu's Farm. There are 2 kinds of mushrooms on the farm that you can collect, Orange Net Mushrooms and Orange Gooey Mushrooms. 1 Orange Net Mushroom = 3 points 1 Orange Gooey Mushroom = 1 point You need at least 25 points to pass the test. When you collected enough, you have to go back to the Thief Guide and talk to Test Grader Comrade Brad. Notice you have to die in order to get out of the farm. Tips: You may want to take off your weapon to attack faster. |
Thief Job Quest - Test Grader & Transform
Comrade Brad moc_prydb1 (42, 133) | In the basement (B1) of Morroc Pyramid Dungeon. |
Ingredient(s) | Product(s) |
Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
He will see if you have enough points to pass the test depending on how many mushrooms you collected. If you pass, he will change you to a thief. He will also give you a little reward for stealing the mushrooms when you pass the test. |
Congratulations!! Happy Leveling ~ iAnhart